Factors That Influence Tree Lopping Costs

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Factors That Influence Tree Lopping Costs

24 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Lopping trees keep them away from pathways and buildings, but it can be detrimental to their health if it is not done right. The advisable approach is to hire a tree services company to boost the natural growth of your trees.

Tree lopping costs in Australia vary from state to state. The average costs in Western Australia, for example, are $145/hr compared to $150/hr in Victoria. Other factors that determine tree lopping costs include the following:


The tree size will impact the overall cost of lopping. Larger trees are challenging to climb, and loppers will charge more to reach all the branches that need to be cut. The tree service company will also require more time and equipment to lop taller trees, and you can expect to pay more if there are several of them in your yard.


A tree may look perfectly fine to you, but an arborist can identify various health issues during the inspection. These issues include diseases, infestations, storm damage and aging, and they will determine what equipment and expertise will be used during tree lopping.

Trees without solid structural integrity will be riskier to climb, and tree service companies may need to use a crane or cherry picker to complete the task. Some trees may need full lopping or the pruning of specific parts, depending on the health condition.


The location of the tree affects the accessibility of the site and the complexity of the job. Professional loppers will need special equipment and skills to access trees located near buildings and public utilities, and it will cost more when compared to trees standing in open areas.

The closer a tree lopper can bring their equipment to your tree, the cheaper it will be to have it lopped. You may also pay more if the removers need to make more trips between the tree and wood chipper because of limited access.  

Debris Removal Costs

You may choose to remove the debris or leave it to the professionals. Larger sections can be used to create garden edges or habitats if you have a front or backyard. If the trees are situated close to public utilities, you will need debris removal services, which may inflate the overall costs.

Tree Species

Tree lopping costs will also depend on the kind of tree species you have. For example, pine trees, which are widespread in Australia, have soft and light timber that is easy on equipment. On the other hand, gum trees are harder on the equipment and loppers, and you will pay more to have them pruned.