Ensuring The Longevity Of Your Trees

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Ensuring The Longevity Of Your Trees

There are so many benefits to having trees around the home, but without proper care, tree debris becomes a flying projectile during storm season. If you do not know how to spot potential trouble in your trees, then you don't recognise when it is time to call on the help of a tree service. So, within these blog posts, you will find information written to help you keep your trees healthy and strong for a very long time. Learn how to spot the signs of tree disease and discover how pruning specific tree branches can make your tree stronger. Don't let a bad storm be the end of your majestic trees when tree education ensures they will live for decades.


How to Be on the Lookout for Cyprus Canker and What to Do If You Find It

14 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If a back garden is to provide a true sanctuary for the homeowner and is to do its bit for ecology, it will need a broad cross-section of trees and shrubs. There are many different types of plants and trees that do particularly well in this type of environment, so there's a lot of choices available. Leyland cypress is one such example, but if you do introduce this type of tree to your yard, you will need to keep a close eye on the trees' development and make sure that you are careful when managing the area. Read More …